The Year of the Water Rabbit For the Self-Elements

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The element of the day you were born, called the “Day Master” or your “Self-Element”, is the most important information in a Chinese Astrology (BaZi) reading, even more important than the animal sign of your birth year, as your Self-Element holds information about you and determines what each of the Chinese Five Elements represents in your life. Knowing what the elements of the year and the months mean to us individually can provide us with foresights that allow us to plan our actions strategically.

Read on below for insights into what the Water Rabbit holds for the ten Self Elements. To find out what your self element is, go to this chart calculator and input your birthday. The result will show the Self-Element listed as the Day Master and in the “Stem” element of the Day pillar in the Four Pillars (BaZi) chart.


Yang Wood (Jia) or Yin Wood (Yi):

The Water Rabbit year is a time to invest in yourself and engage more with your communities. Water element highlights your resources, which includes your education, skills, health, assets, as well as your parents. You may spend the majority of the year focusing on one or more of these resources. It’s usually an ideal time to take workshops or courses that can take you further in your career or studies.

If you’re a Yang Wood Day Master, the Rabbit’s Yin Wood will help you enlarge your spheres, a year to get involved with groups and network more with those in your fields. If you’re a Yin Wood Day Master, the Rabbit emphasizes your connection to yourself and times spent with loved ones, a good year for self-improvements and catching up with friends and family.


Yang Fire (Bing) or Yin Fire (Ding):

This is a year to focus on your work and building or strengthening your professional reputation as Water is your Power element, which includes your influence - a good time to be more strategically active on social media for those who wish to increase their digital presence. For the female Bing or Ding, Water element is also the love relationship element. Females who are single and looking may want to take advantage of the supportive energy by making more efforts to meet potential love interests during the year.

The Rabbit as a Yin Wood sign signifies your resources, which includes your skills, assets, health, and parents. You may finally decide to invest your time and money to improve your skills, your well-being, or your home (which is an asset). Whereas those who are Yang Fire may feel a necessity to take a continuing course of study to thrive in their fields of work, the Yin Fire Day Masters may be more interested in taking workshops that are more creative or spiritual in nature. 


Yang Earth (Wu) or Yin Earth (Ji):

Water as the wealth element of Earth Day Masters brings financial opportunities in the Water Rabbit year, especially when Water element is strong in winter. Those who are self employed should plan their work schedules accordingly. The appearance of wealth element can also indicate large expenses as the more money one earns, the more spent. For the male Wu and Ji Day Masters, Water is also the love relationship element - a good year to deepen one for those already in a relationship, while those who are single and looking may get more opportunities to meet potential love interests.

The Rabbit’s Yin Wood is the Power element to Earth Day Masters, which supports one’s influence and reputation. Career pressures may increase, depending on how one’s chart interacts with Yin Wood, as one enjoys more recognition in their field as a result of their hard work. For the female Wu and Ji , Wood is also the love relationship element, a good year to start or deepen one.


Yang Metal (Geng) or Yin Metal (Xin):

Expect a busy year ahead as Water, the Output element of Metal Day Masters, increases one’s productivity. Those in the creative fields such as writers and artists may find themselves producing, writing, and creating more compared to other years. Since the Output element also indicates one’s offspring, Metal Day Masters may find themselves spending more time with their children.

Wood, the element of the Rabbit, represents wealth to Metal Day Masters. There may be increases in financial gains as well as expenses, especially when Wood is strong in spring. Truly get busy this year as you get back what you put in. Wood as the relationship element for the male Geng and Xin highlights their relationships with their partners.


Yang Water (Ren) or Yin Water (Gui):

The spotlight is on the Ren and the Gui Day Masters this year, especially the Gui, as Water is their Self-Element. The Ren Day Master will enjoy participating in more group settings and expanding their spheres, while the Gui will be more focused on their own personal growth, self-nourishment, and spending time with close friends and family.

The Rabbit’s Yin Wood as the Output element of Water Day Masters brings a busy year ahead. You may find yourself being more productive than ever, especially at the start of the year, though all that hard work may not pay off till money element (which is Fire for Water Day Masters) appears in the summer months. Those with children may spend more time taking care of them as Wood also highlights the children of Water Day Masters.