Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology: November 2024
November 7 takes us into the first day of the Wood Pig month. Winter has now begun in the Northern Hemisphere according to the Chinese solar calendar, with Yin/darkness continuing to rise. With Flying Star 5 in the center of the Feng Shui Flying Star chart, the monthly stars are back in their natal/original positions.
We can take a breath of relief now that we’re finally out of the Wood Dragon year’s most challenging month. Peace-oriented Yin Wood in the heavenly frequency of the month softens the hardness of the year’s Yang Wood and the Dragon’s Yang Earth. We’re more receptive to change and diversity. As a Yin Water sign and a travel star, the Pig helps us get into a state of flow that makes it easier for change to happen.
The Pig is the sign that leads us into the first month of winter, a season ruled by Water element, which represents communication, wisdom, and the emotion fear. Keep your frequency high by staying positive. Soak in some sunshine to bring light/Yang in and cook your food to keep the inner Fire strong. Hearty soups and stews are most comforting and grounding to the body in this Yin season.
As a spiritual pillar, the Wood Pig connects us closer to spirit. Our intuition is usually sharper when these spiritual pillars appear in a chart, and we have two of them this month, the Wood Pig and the Wood Dragon year, which makes this whole month a powerful time for prayers, rituals, and meditation. Listen to your intuition.
The month will fly by quickly – November is one of those months that always seem to come and go just like that – such is the fast-paced nature of the Pig as a travel star. We may also start experiencing the influences of the upcoming year of the Wood Snake with the month’s Yin Wood giving us a preview of the Yin Wood year and the Pig in the Earthly Branch as the sign opposite the Snake. Take note of what transpires this month. I’m working on my Wood Snake year outlook and will have it on the blog before the end of 2024 - stay tuned!
What’s ahead for the signs
Signs that are in harmony with the Pig are secret friend the Tiger and allies the Sheep/Goat and the Rabbit. Those with these signs in their natal chart can generally expect a smoother, collaborative month ahead.
Those born in a year or day with Fire element in the heavenly frequency will be blessed with divine support as the Pig is their nobility star, bringing help and assistance from the universe when needed – a good month for consultations or coaching sessions. *Years with Yin Fire or Yang Fire in the heavenly frequency are those that end with 6 and 7, such as 1976, 1977, 1986, 1987, 1996, 1997, and so on.
The month will fly by even quicker if the Pig is your travel star (which is the case for those born in the year or day of the Snake, the Ox, and the Bird/Rooster). Move with intention and purpose as many of us will be traveling near and far or rushing to get from one place to another.
Those born in the year or the month of the Snake, the sign opposite the Pig, need to take extra precautions this month, especially when traveling or on the move. If you have a Pig in your birth chart, practice higher self-awareness and self-compassion as the Pig month can trigger the self-punishment penalty, which often manifests as self-sabotaging behaviors. Recognize when your fears and self-doubts stop you from moving forward.
*You can calculate your natal BaZi birth chart using this chart calculator to discover the heavenly frequency and animal sign of the day you were born. Knowing your chart helps you see limitless possibilities. The art of Chinese Metaphysics works with the forces of Heaven, Earth, and the Self. Heaven provides divine guidance through intuition and divine timing, Earth brings us abundance and opportunities (which can be further activated by Feng Shui). Our free will comes from the Self. A full integration of the three aspects of Chinese Metaphysics empowers us to take the most strategic actions at the right time. For example, if your chart contains one or more of the signs above and Water is your Wealth element (which means that you were born on a Yang or Yin Earth day), then you can expect November to be a busy month full of opportunities that you should be prepared to jump on.
Hexagram of the Month: hexagram 35, Advancement
The I-Ching hexagram for the Wood Pig pillar is Hexagram 35, Advancement, which highlights progress. Earth trigram below helps you turn challenges into opportunities while Fire trigram above encourages you to keep reaching higher for your dreams.
Guidance from the Chinese Five Elements Oracle for the Wood Pig month ( November 7 – December 5)
I pulled a card from The Chinese Five Elements Oracle for collective guidance to help us navigate through the Wood Pig month. The Water Sheep card appears to prepare us for the winter months ahead.
From the Oracle: the Water Sheep highlights the intuitive and receptive qualities of Yin Water in the heavenly frequency and the slow and steady nature of the Sheep, a Yin Earth sign. With Water over Earth, clarity may be lacking. The universe is telling us to trust in our intuition and that it’s better to wait until we have a better understanding of our situation before making a move, especially in this fast-paced month of the Pig.
Seek wisdom by going deeper into the heart of the matter. Kindness is key to your situation, for hidden inside the Sheep is Yin Fire, associated with light and the heart.
We’re already blessed with the presence of two spiritual pillars in the Wood Pig month and the Wood Dragon year. The Water Sheep as another spiritual pillar serves as a reminder from the Oracle to listen to your intuition.
*You can order your copy of the oracle at Amazon or click here for more options. To the many of you who ordered the deck, thank you! And thank you for leaving a kind review on the retailer's site - I’m so happy to reach 100 reviews on Amazon!
Feng Shui for the Wood Pig month
In the Flying Star chart for the month of the Wood Pig, the numbers in green are the annual stars for the current year (good until February 3, 2025), while the numbers in blue refer to the monthly stars (good from November 7 to December 5, 2024).
This month, star 5 “flies” to the center of the monthly Feng Shui Flying Stars chart. As star 5 is an Earth element star that represents the center, it’s returned to its original/home position, which also means that all the monthly stars are now in their natal positions. This month, remember to return to the center whenever you feel like you’re losing yourself, whether to a person, a cause, a job, or a belief. As the 5 doesn’t relate to any direction or trigram, listen and trust your inner guidance.
This month’s most auspicious sectors are the Northeast, North, and Northwest sectors. Activate these especially vibrant sectors by doing your daily activities there. The livelier the space, the better! You may also find that you’re more productive and inspired when you’re working in these sectors.
The East sector, with annual star 1 of victory and future prosperity is also a good sector, however, with monthly star 3 of arguments visiting this month, leave the sector if you notice anger, irritability or conflict rising. The Southeast, visited by monthly star 4 of romance and creativity, makes for a good creative or social space, however with annual star 2 in the sector, use it sparingly. *Star 2 has been a star of illness in the past 20-year periods, but since we entered Period 9 in 2024, its influence as an illness star is slowly weakening and it’s now considered an upcoming prosperity star.
Keep the center of your office and residence clean, tidy, and free of loud noises and bright colors to avoid activating the monthly star 5. The Southwest sector, visited by a strong monthly star 2, and the West sector where the annual 5 resides should also be kept quiet especially if you haven’t been feeling well.
Reinforce all doors and windows located in the West and South sectors as the monthly 7 in the West and annual 7 in the South brings risks of violence and fire dangers.